This article will teach you how to give buyers extra items or gifts.


[1] Only the orders on the lists of “New Orders” and “Voided Orders” can add extra items.

[2] The shipping warehouse of the added Merchant SKU must be the same as that of the items in the order.

[3] An order only can add up to 10 Merchant SKUs; The quantity range of one added Merchant SKU is 1-99. If the available stock is less than 99, then the maximum quantity is the available stock of the Merchant SKU.

[4] After the Merchant SKUs are added successfully, you can see the extra items in the customized shipping label, pick list, pack list, invoice, order details, etc. Please note that the standard shipping label will not show the added Merchant SKUs.

[5] BigSeller will deduct the stock of the added Merchant SKU and count it in the Invoicing Report

[6] The added Merchant SKU will not be counted in the Items Analysis and Merchant SKU Reports.

1. Steps to add gift products

Add gift to one single order

Step 1: Go to New Orders list, click the "Order Details" icon

Step 2: click "Add gift products"

Step 3:
search and select a new SKU, enter the SKU qty and confirm

Add successfully!

You can select multiple orders to add gift products in bulk

Step:  Select orders > Click "Bulk Actions" > Add Gift Products > Select product > Confirm

💡Notes: The following situations do not support batch add gift products

1) Split orders (including main package and sub packages.
The selected orders are shipped from different warehouses.

2. FAQs

Q1: Can I change the quantity of added items?

A1: If you have successfully added them to the order, you can’t change the quantity. You should delete and add them again to change the quantity.

Q2: Why can’t I find the added items on the shipping label?

A2: please check whether it is a standard shipping label or a customized shipping label. Only the customized shipping label will show the information.

Q3: How to automatically add gift products to my new orders?
A3: You can try the Gift Rule feature, Click here to learn more