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SKU Naming Rules for Third Party Warehouse

Each third-party warehouse may have different SKU naming rules. If the SKU name doesn't meet their specifications, the push inventory function cannot work.

It's recommended to regular your SKU name to the specifications. The specifications for different warehouses are listed as follows:


  • Number of characters ≤ 50,
  • Only numbers, letters and special symbols "-" are supported

2. Kerry E-commerce

  • Number of characters 3≤n≤32
  • Only numbers, letters and five special symbols "- 、_ 、. 、+ 、* " are supported


  • Number of characters 2≤ n≤ 50
  • Only numbers, letters and eight special symbols blank space " 、( )、_、.、-、*、+、# " are supported


  • Number of characters 2≤ n≤ 50
  • Only numbers, letters and two special symbols"-、_" are supported

5. JingShang

  • Number of characters 2≤ n≤ 20
  • Only numbers, letters and one special symbol " - " is supported

6. Wancang

  • Number of characters 2≤ n≤ 30
  • Only numbers, letters and one special symbol " - " is supported

7. Wexsu

  • Number of characters n≤ 190
  • Supports all characters except spaces

8. Shopspade

  • Number of characters 1 ≤ n ≤ 190
  • Supports all characters except spaces

9. HanWarehouse

  • Number of characters 2 ≤ n ≤ 100
  • Supports all characters except Chinese;
  • Not supports space before or after the SKU; Only spaces are allowed in the middle of the SKU

10. Guangdong Smart Logistics

  • Number of characters 1≤ n≤ 64
  • Only numbers, letters, blank space and special symbols like " _、-、#、*、=" is supported, not support "&、<、>".

11. Qi Long

  • Number of characters 2≤ n≤ 50
  • Only supports numbers, letters, blank space and special symbols like "_、( )、_、.、-、*、+、#"

12. All-in Logistics

  • Number of characters 2≤ n≤ 50
  • Only supports numbers, letters, blank space and special symbols like "_、( )、_、.、-、*、+、#"

13. Tomako (ZH)

  • Number of characters 2≤ n≤ 50
  • Only supports numbers, letters, blank space and special symbols like "_、( )、_、.、-、*、+、#"


  • Number of characters 2≤ n≤ 50
  • Only supports numbers, letters, blank space and special symbols like "_、( )、_、.、-、*、+、#"

15. Anda WH

  • Number of characters 2≤ n≤ 50
  • Only supports numbers, letters, blank space and special symbols like "_、( )、_、.、-、*、+、#"


  • Number of characters 2≤ n≤ 50
  • Only supports numbers, letters, blank space and special symbols like "_、( )、_、.、-、*、+、#"

17. Siampanda

  • Number of characters n≤ 255
  • Supports utf-8 special characters; Not support Chinese characters

18. Bi-Chain

  • Number of characters 1≤ n≤ 50
  • Only supports numbers, letters, and special symbols like "-"


  • Number of characters 2 ≤ n ≤ 20
  • Only supports numbers, letters, and special symbols like "-"

20. GoLucky

  • Number of characters n ≤ 64
  • Only supports numbers, letters.


  • Number of characters 2 ≤ n ≤ 50
  • Only supports numbers, letters, blank space and seven special symbols "(), \, ., -, *, +, #"


  • Number of characters n ≤ 50
  • Only supports numbers, upper case letters, and three special symbols "-, _, /"

23. GME

  • Number of characters  2 ≤ n ≤ 20
  • Only supports numbers, letters, and special symbols "-".

24. Sevenseas

  • Supports UTF-8 characters such as Chinese, numbers, letters (A-Z/a-z), spaces, etc.
  • Not support special characters such as emojis.
25. J&T Fulfillment
  • Number of characters 1 ≤ n ≤ 50
  • Supports utf-8

The Summary of Third Party Warehouse Instructions

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