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How to connect J&T Express Indonesia with BigSeller?

You can connect J&T Express Indonesia with BigSeller to pack and ship your non-COD manual orders, messenger orders, Facebook orders, Shopify and Woocommerce orders.

1. Authorization

If you have not applied for authorization info for J&T Express Indonesia, you can use simple version; If you have applied for authorization info, you can use standard version.

1.1 Simple Version

💡 Notes
① The simple authorization mode is for the sellers who do not get the detailed authorization info from J&T Express Indonesia;
② Simple authorization mode supports applying for tracking numbers and printing shipping labels from J&T Express Indonesia;
③ Simple authorization mode does not support COD orders;
④ Simple authorization mode only supports instant payment for shipping fee.

Login BigSeller > Setting > Authorization Center > Third-party Logistics > Indonesia > J&T Express Indonesia > Connect

Later the simple version can also be upgraded to the standard authorization version.

1.2 Standard Version

Step1: contact J&T Express Indonesia to get the authorization information.
(You can ask BigSeller customer service for the contact information of J&T Express).

Step2: Login BigSeller > Setting > Authorization Center > Third-party Logistics > Indonesia > J&T Express Indonesia > Connect

navigate to Standard Version page > enter the authorization information > click connect

2. Enable Logistics

3. Notes

There are four service types for J&T Express Indonesia: EZ, ECO, Next Day, Same Day. The package weight limits and service area for each service type are shown in the following table.
Service Type Maximum Weight Limit Service Area
EZ 50 KG All Indonesia
ECO 50 KG All Java Island, Palembang, Nambang, Aceh, Mingguru, Jambi, Medan, Padang, Beiganbalu, Lantau
*The destination is Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Bali (the delivery time depends on the destination region).
Next Day 5.3 KG Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Batam
Same Day 5.3 KG Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Batam

Then you could process your manual orders with J&T Express Indonesia.

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