
How to connect Sicepat Express with BigSeller?

Introduction to Sicepat
Currently, Sicepat Express Indonesia supports the following five services on BigSeller:
  • Regular: regular express delivery service, available for all regions of Indonesia;
  • SIUNTUNG: low price and fast delivery time;
  • BEST: next-day delivery, only 1 day to reach major cities in Indonesia;
  • GOKIL: ship oversized and overweight packages at a more economical price, with a minimum delivery weight of 10kg;
  • KEPO: valuables transport service (insurance fees are enabled by default when using this service)

Authorization Steps
Step 1: Please contact a nearby branch or join the WhatsApp group ( to obtain a Pickup Request Key that calls the Sicepat API (usually consisting of a string of garbled numbers and letters)

Step 2: Go to Setting > Shipping Settings > 3PL Logistics Service > Indonesia > Sicepat Express > Connect

Step 3: Enable the logistics service > click the Edit icon > edit basic information

Then, when processing manual order, messenger order or Facebook order, you can select Sicepat Express Indonesia to ship your orders. Click here to learn more
